Events in November 2023

MonMonday TueTuesday WedWednesday ThuThursday FriFriday SatSaturday SunSunday
October 30, 2023(2 events)

12:00 pm: Restorative

12:00 pm: Restorative

October 30, 2023

Teacher: Stephanie Wier

Start your week off with gentle postures either seated or lying down to promote relaxation & healing. A great way to prepare your body and mind for the week.

Mats, blocks, bolsters, straps, and blankets provided.



7:00 pm: Hatha & Yin

7:00 pm: Hatha & Yin

October 30, 2023

Teacher: Kristi Peters

A practice of postures held for 3-5 breath cycles first standing, and then more restorative with props such as bolsters, blankets, straps, and blocks either seated, reclining, or prone. Mats & props provided. For all levels.

Book Class

October 31, 2023(1 event)

9:30 am: Tri-Yoga

9:30 am: Tri-Yoga

October 31, 2023

Teacher: Naomi Niewadomsai

TriYoga focuses on three specific components: asana, pranayama and mudra. It includes wave-like spinal movements that take yogis through asana sequences, "relaxation in action," which is the specific and selective engagement of muscles needed for each asana, pose alignment that reduces excess or unfocused movements, and the incorporation of pranayama and mudras into the practice. It is great for all levels. Mats and props provided. Bring yourself and your water.

Book Class

November 1, 2023(1 event)

7:00 pm: Vinyasa

7:00 pm: Vinyasa

November 1, 2023

Teacher: Monika Sefcovic

This is a Vinyasa style class that moves and flows linking breath with movement based around the Sun Salutation. This class is suitable for all levels. Bring your mat and water.

Book Class

November 2, 2023(1 event)

12:00 pm: Slow Flow

12:00 pm: Slow Flow

November 2, 2023

Teacher: Stephanie Wier

This class is designed for those that are looking to build some strength but in a gentle way. Based around the Sun Salutation while using the breath to build strength, flexibility, and balance, this class slowing moves through poses in a gentle way. This class is great for beginners or those healing from injury, but also for those that lead a quick paced life to learn to slow down. Props provided. Bring yourself and water.

Book Class

November 3, 2023(1 event)

12:00 pm: Vinyasa

12:00 pm: Vinyasa

November 3, 2023

Teacher: Naomi Niewadomski

This is a Vinyasa style class that moves and flows linking breath with movement based around the Sun Salutation. This class is suitable for all levels. Bring your mat and water.

Book Class

November 4, 2023
November 5, 2023
November 6, 2023(2 events)

12:00 pm: Restorative

12:00 pm: Restorative

November 6, 2023

Teacher: Stephanie Wier

Start your week off with gentle postures either seated or lying down to promote relaxation & healing. A great way to prepare your body and mind for the week.

Mats, blocks, bolsters, straps, and blankets provided.



7:00 pm: Hatha & Yin

7:00 pm: Hatha & Yin

November 6, 2023

Teacher: Kristi Peters

A practice of postures held for 3-5 breath cycles first standing, and then more restorative with props such as bolsters, blankets, straps, and blocks either seated, reclining, or prone. Mats & props provided. For all levels.

Book Class

November 7, 2023(1 event)

9:30 am: Tri-Yoga

9:30 am: Tri-Yoga

November 7, 2023

Teacher: Naomi Niewadomsai

TriYoga focuses on three specific components: asana, pranayama and mudra. It includes wave-like spinal movements that take yogis through asana sequences, "relaxation in action," which is the specific and selective engagement of muscles needed for each asana, pose alignment that reduces excess or unfocused movements, and the incorporation of pranayama and mudras into the practice. It is great for all levels. Mats and props provided. Bring yourself and your water.

Book Class

November 8, 2023(1 event)

7:00 pm: Vinyasa

7:00 pm: Vinyasa

November 8, 2023

Teacher: Monika Sefcovic

This is a Vinyasa style class that moves and flows linking breath with movement based around the Sun Salutation. This class is suitable for all levels. Bring your mat and water.

Book Class

November 9, 2023(1 event)

12:00 pm: Slow Flow

12:00 pm: Slow Flow

November 9, 2023

Teacher: Stephanie Wier

This class is designed for those that are looking to build some strength but in a gentle way. Based around the Sun Salutation while using the breath to build strength, flexibility, and balance, this class slowing moves through poses in a gentle way. This class is great for beginners or those healing from injury, but also for those that lead a quick paced life to learn to slow down. Props provided. Bring yourself and water.

Book Class

November 10, 2023(1 event)

12:00 pm: Vinyasa

12:00 pm: Vinyasa

November 10, 2023

Teacher: Naomi Niewadomski

This is a Vinyasa style class that moves and flows linking breath with movement based around the Sun Salutation. This class is suitable for all levels. Bring your mat and water.

Book Class

November 11, 2023(1 event)

11:00 am: Grand Opening Celebration

11:00 am: Grand Opening Celebration

November 11, 2023

Teacher: Stephanie Wier, Monika Sefcovic, Kristi Peters, Naomi

Join us as we celebrate our Grand Opening in our new space with prizes, snacks, and free classes all day! See the Portal to book your spot for a specific class!

Book Class

November 12, 2023
November 13, 2023(2 events)

12:00 pm: Restorative

12:00 pm: Restorative

November 13, 2023

Teacher: Stephanie Wier

Start your week off with gentle postures either seated or lying down to promote relaxation & healing. A great way to prepare your body and mind for the week.

Mats, blocks, bolsters, straps, and blankets provided.



7:00 pm: Hatha & Yin

7:00 pm: Hatha & Yin

November 13, 2023

Teacher: Kristi Peters

A practice of postures held for 3-5 breath cycles first standing, and then more restorative with props such as bolsters, blankets, straps, and blocks either seated, reclining, or prone. Mats & props provided. For all levels.

Book Class

November 14, 2023(1 event)

9:30 am: Tri-Yoga

9:30 am: Tri-Yoga

November 14, 2023

Teacher: Naomi Niewadomsai

TriYoga focuses on three specific components: asana, pranayama and mudra. It includes wave-like spinal movements that take yogis through asana sequences, "relaxation in action," which is the specific and selective engagement of muscles needed for each asana, pose alignment that reduces excess or unfocused movements, and the incorporation of pranayama and mudras into the practice. It is great for all levels. Mats and props provided. Bring yourself and your water.

Book Class

November 15, 2023(1 event)

7:00 pm: Vinyasa

7:00 pm: Vinyasa

November 15, 2023

Teacher: Monika Sefcovic

This is a Vinyasa style class that moves and flows linking breath with movement based around the Sun Salutation. This class is suitable for all levels. Bring your mat and water.

Book Class

November 16, 2023(1 event)

12:00 pm: Slow Flow

12:00 pm: Slow Flow

November 16, 2023

Teacher: Stephanie Wier

This class is designed for those that are looking to build some strength but in a gentle way. Based around the Sun Salutation while using the breath to build strength, flexibility, and balance, this class slowing moves through poses in a gentle way. This class is great for beginners or those healing from injury, but also for those that lead a quick paced life to learn to slow down. Props provided. Bring yourself and water.

Book Class

November 17, 2023(1 event)

12:00 pm: Vinyasa

12:00 pm: Vinyasa

November 17, 2023

Teacher: Naomi Niewadomski

This is a Vinyasa style class that moves and flows linking breath with movement based around the Sun Salutation. This class is suitable for all levels. Bring your mat and water.

Book Class

November 18, 2023(1 event)

11:00 am: Tri-Yoga

11:00 am: Tri-Yoga

November 18, 2023

Teacher: Naomi Niewadomsai

TriYoga focuses on three specific components: asana, pranayama and mudra. It includes wave-like spinal movements that take yogis through asana sequences, "relaxation in action," which is the specific and selective engagement of muscles needed for each asana, pose alignment that reduces excess or unfocused movements, and the incorporation of pranayama and mudras into the practice. It is great for all levels. Mats and props provided. Bring yourself and your water.

Book Class

November 19, 2023
November 20, 2023(2 events)

12:00 pm: Restorative

12:00 pm: Restorative

November 20, 2023

Teacher: Stephanie Wier

Start your week off with gentle postures either seated or lying down to promote relaxation & healing. A great way to prepare your body and mind for the week.

Mats, blocks, bolsters, straps, and blankets provided.



7:00 pm: Hatha & Yin

7:00 pm: Hatha & Yin

November 20, 2023

Teacher: Kristi Peters

A practice of postures held for 3-5 breath cycles first standing, and then more restorative with props such as bolsters, blankets, straps, and blocks either seated, reclining, or prone. Mats & props provided. For all levels.

Book Class

November 21, 2023(1 event)

9:30 am: Tri-Yoga

9:30 am: Tri-Yoga

November 21, 2023

Teacher: Naomi Niewadomsai

TriYoga focuses on three specific components: asana, pranayama and mudra. It includes wave-like spinal movements that take yogis through asana sequences, "relaxation in action," which is the specific and selective engagement of muscles needed for each asana, pose alignment that reduces excess or unfocused movements, and the incorporation of pranayama and mudras into the practice. It is great for all levels. Mats and props provided. Bring yourself and your water.

Book Class

November 22, 2023(2 events)

Closed (Thanksgiving)

Closed (Thanksgiving)

November 22, 2023 November 26, 2023

We believe life should be lived in balance. The studio will be closed during this time for Thanksgiving.

7:00 pm: Vinyasa

7:00 pm: Vinyasa

November 22, 2023

Teacher: Monika Sefcovic

This is a Vinyasa style class that moves and flows linking breath with movement based around the Sun Salutation. This class is suitable for all levels. Bring your mat and water.

Book Class

November 23, 2023(2 events)

Closed (Thanksgiving)

Closed (Thanksgiving)

November 22, 2023 November 26, 2023

We believe life should be lived in balance. The studio will be closed during this time for Thanksgiving.

12:00 pm: Slow Flow

12:00 pm: Slow Flow

November 23, 2023

Teacher: Stephanie Wier

This class is designed for those that are looking to build some strength but in a gentle way. Based around the Sun Salutation while using the breath to build strength, flexibility, and balance, this class slowing moves through poses in a gentle way. This class is great for beginners or those healing from injury, but also for those that lead a quick paced life to learn to slow down. Props provided. Bring yourself and water.

Book Class

November 24, 2023(1 event)

Closed (Thanksgiving)

Closed (Thanksgiving)

November 22, 2023 November 26, 2023

We believe life should be lived in balance. The studio will be closed during this time for Thanksgiving.

November 25, 2023(1 event)

Closed (Thanksgiving)

Closed (Thanksgiving)

November 22, 2023 November 26, 2023

We believe life should be lived in balance. The studio will be closed during this time for Thanksgiving.

November 26, 2023(1 event)

Closed (Thanksgiving)

Closed (Thanksgiving)

November 22, 2023 November 26, 2023

We believe life should be lived in balance. The studio will be closed during this time for Thanksgiving.

November 27, 2023(2 events)

12:00 pm: Restorative

12:00 pm: Restorative

November 27, 2023

Teacher: Stephanie Wier

Start your week off with gentle postures either seated or lying down to promote relaxation & healing. A great way to prepare your body and mind for the week.

Mats, blocks, bolsters, straps, and blankets provided.



7:00 pm: Hatha & Yin

7:00 pm: Hatha & Yin

November 27, 2023

Teacher: Kristi Peters

A practice of postures held for 3-5 breath cycles first standing, and then more restorative with props such as bolsters, blankets, straps, and blocks either seated, reclining, or prone. Mats & props provided. For all levels.

Book Class

November 28, 2023
November 29, 2023(1 event)

7:00 pm: Vinyasa

7:00 pm: Vinyasa

November 29, 2023

Teacher: Monika Sefcovic

This is a Vinyasa style class that moves and flows linking breath with movement based around the Sun Salutation. This class is suitable for all levels. Bring your mat and water.

Book Class

November 30, 2023(1 event)

12:00 pm: Slow Flow

12:00 pm: Slow Flow

November 30, 2023

Teacher: Stephanie Wier

This class is designed for those that are looking to build some strength but in a gentle way. Based around the Sun Salutation while using the breath to build strength, flexibility, and balance, this class slowing moves through poses in a gentle way. This class is great for beginners or those healing from injury, but also for those that lead a quick paced life to learn to slow down. Props provided. Bring yourself and water.

Book Class

December 1, 2023
December 2, 2023
December 3, 2023

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