MonMonday | TueTuesday | WedWednesday | ThuThursday | FriFriday | SatSaturday | SunSunday |
February 19, 2024(2 events)
12:00 pm: Restorative12:00 pm: Restorative – Teacher: Stephanie Wier Start your week off with gentle postures either seated or lying down to promote relaxation & healing. A great way to prepare your body and mind for the week. Mats, blocks, bolsters, straps, and blankets provided.
February 20, 2024(1 event)
7:00 pm: Yoga Trapeze7:00 pm: Yoga Trapeze – Teacher: Stephanie Wier The Yoga Trapeze is a suspension yoga system that builds strength not only through pushing, core strengthening, and engagement, but also adds the pulling motion that is missing from a mat based Yoga class. It uses a main sling with 2 sets of TRX handles on each side to create "flying" versions of traditional Yoga poses. It also makes inversions much more accessible, yet also can challenge more advanced practitioners. Trapezes are provided. Bring your mat and water. |
February 21, 2024(1 event)
7:00 pm: Vinyasa7:00 pm: Vinyasa – Teacher: Monika Sefcovic This is a Vinyasa style class that moves and flows linking breath with movement based around the Sun Salutation. This class is suitable for all levels. Bring your mat and water. |
February 22, 2024
February 23, 2024(1 event)
12:00 pm: PiYo12:00 pm: PiYo – Teacher: Monika Sefcovic This class is a low impact, high intensity workout that combines Pilates and Yoga. The goal is geared towards burning fat and building muscle tone, flexibility, core strength, and balance. It is suitable for all ages and fitness levels. |
February 24, 2024
February 25, 2024